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Measurement Protocol

Writer's picture: Piret SalmistuPiret Salmistu

Dear Alexela ORC Worlds 2021 participants,

Welcome to the Alexela ORC World Championship 2021. In this e-mail you will find all the information you need about the measurement protocol for this event.

Pre-race measurement checks will take place on:

Friday, 6th August from 9:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Saturday, 7th August from 9:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Sunday, 8th August from 9:00 – 13:00

with 45-minute slots assigned for each boat, and five boats checked in each time slot. You may select your measurement slot using Doodle on-line scheduling system for which you will get a separate e-mail invitation. Please note that it is on a first come - first served basis and it is in your interest to book your slot as soon as possible to get the time you want.

Pre-race measurement check will include:

  • Sails: The sails inventory to be used at the championship shall be selected up to the maximum numbers defined in the Notice of Race as follows:

Exclusive of storm & heavy weather sails required by the Offshore Special Regulations, the maximum allowed number of sails shall be:

Class A Class B Class C

Mainsail 1 1 1

Headsails 7 6 5

Spinnakers* 5 4 4

Please, don't forget:

- ALL sails must be measured and stamped by an ORC measurer before being presented for inspections. If you have a sail without the measurement stamp or when measurements can't be read easily, such a sail will be needed to be re-measured at the venue. The measurement fee appropriate for the sail will be charged.

- The number of sails carried on board may vary from day to day but shall remain the same for each individual race day, including days with multiple races even in the case of damage to sails. The race day begins when the boat leaves for the race course from its dock or mooring

- Sails damaged beyond repair may be replaced with permission of the Technical Committee

  • Check of the measurement inventory items such as internal ballast, if any.

  • Check of the safety equipment (safety equipment check list is available on the event’s website)

The boat shall be ready for inspection at the scheduled time with a responsible person on board (eg, owner and/or skipper) presenting all sails ready for stamping and signed with the head taken out from the bag showing the ORC measurement stamp

Crew weight is not part of the pre-race measurement check, but the official scale will be available for your own check. Please be sure that your crew weight is between the minimum and the maximum as recorded on your certificate. We remind you that ANY excess in measured crew weight is not considered as an issue of compliance with the certificate with an appropriate rating tolerance allowed, and so it will result in a measurement protest where the decision may be disqualification in all races where crew weight exceeded the value on the certificate.

Post-race measurement checks

You will be informed by VHF radio or the measurement team coming to your boat after racing if you are selected for a daily measurement check. In this case, please follow the instructions of the measurement team and proceed to the measurement check point as requested. Inspections made on the water shall include a check if stamped sails are on board, measurement inventory items and any specific items (such as tension of the lifelines). At the end of the offshore race, safety equipment shall also be checked again.

Measurement checks ashore shall include: Flotation, Check on sails on sail measurements on the largest sails, crew weight. Boats to be checked shall be selected based on the results in each class as follows:

Offshore races:

  • Ashore: safety equipment and use of sails among randomly selected boats in each class

Inshore races:

  • On the water: randomly selected boats after each race

  • Ashore: Flotation for 1st boat overall in each class when selection is made

  • Ashore: Crew weighing for 2nd boat overall in each class when selection is made

  • Ashore: Sail measurements check for 3rd boat overall in each class when selection is made

Independently from its results, any boat can be checked upon a measurement protest or by the choice of the Measurement Committee.

These measurement control criteria shall be applied in each of the following days except that the same boat need not be checked twice for the same item. In this case a different check may be scheduled for that boat and if needed boats placed 4th, 5th, 6th etc. will be selected for the check.

We thank you for your co-operation and looking forward to a great championship event.

Organizing Authority

Alexela ORC World Championship 2021



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