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Alexela is the title sponsor of the ORC World Championship 2021

Writer's picture: Piret SalmistuPiret Salmistu

Updated: May 26, 2021

12 May 2021 - Tallinn, Estonia - The Estonian energy company Alexela and the organisers of the 2021 ORC Offshore Sailing World Championship – Kalev Yacht Club, Pärnu Yacht Club, Tallinn Yacht Club, Estonian Yachting Union and the Tallinn Olympic Sailing Center – signed a cooperation agreement, based on which Alexela will become the title sponsor of the most important ORC (Offshore Racing Congress) event of 2021. The 2021 ORC World Championships in offshore sailing will take place 6-14 August in Tallinn. It is expected that there will be here more than 130 yachts and 1 200 sailors from 14 countries.

The Vice-President of the Alexela Group, Marti Hääl and the commodore of the Kalev Yacht Club and president of the Estonian Yachting Union, Kalev Vapper presenting the new logo and flag of the Alexela ORC World Championship 2021 - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021
The Vice-President of the Alexela Group, Marti Hääl and the commodore of the Kalev Yacht Club and president of the Estonian Yachting Union, Kalev Vapper - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021

The formalisation of the cooperation agreement took place on the flag square of the Tallinn Olympic Yachting Center (TOP), where for the World Championship in August, will be erected a regatta village, to serve the sailors and where the adjacent harbours of the Kalev Yacht Club and TOP, form a superb environment for conducting the large competition – and that already since the 1980 Olympic regatta.

Alexela ORC Worlds Championship 2021 logo - designed by Andres Rohtla
Alexela ORC Worlds Championship 2021 logo - designed by Andres Rohtla

Alexela, that is becoming the presenting sponsor of the ORC Worlds 2021, is an Estonian company that deals with energy management, the metal industry and oil shale chemistry. Alexela as a large corporation, with great local impact, in addition to environmental initiatives, has for years considered it important to give back to society through supporting the fields of culture, sports and charity. Alexela has also been awarded with the title of Friend of Culture, awarded by the Ministry of Culture, as well has given and gives support to many cultural and sports organisations.

The ORC Worlds, according to the commodore of the Kalev Yacht Club and president of the Estonian Yachting Union, Kalev Vapper, is a very important large competition for Tallinn and Estonia. "This is already the second ORC title championship to be organised by Estonia: “The Kalev Yacht Club and Pärnu Yacht Club, hosted in 2015 very successfully, the Volvo Estonia ORC European Championship, in Pärnu. We were now entrusted based on this experience, with organising the Worlds. Due to the cancellation of all ORC title championships because of COVID-19, the interest in them this year is very large. On behalf of the organisers I would like to thank Alexela that has decided to support the ORC Worlds 2021, assisting in such fashion to make the organisation smoother in all facets. Many thanks and a bow towards all other supporters and sponsors!”

Marti Hääl, the Vice-President of the Alexela Group - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021
Marti Hääl, the Vice-President of the Alexela Group - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021

The Vice-President of the Alexela Group, Marti Hääl, stated that Alexela has supported sailing for its entire 30-year history since maritime culture was in the childhood upbringing of its owners. "Sailing is an excellent sport and supporting it on different levels – from children starting in the Optimist class to offshore sailing – is taken to heart at Alexela.”

The expectations of the sailors are also very high concerning the Worlds. The ORC sailing in Estonia has gotten a special wind in its sails, precisely in the last decade and Estonian yachts have won eighteen championship medals, of which seven are from WC and EC titles. Team Forte steered by Jaak Jõgi is a European and World Champion, Sugar of Ott Kikkas is European and reigning World Champion, Katariina II of Aivar Tuulberg is two times European Champion, Technonicol steered by Mati Sepp European Champion and Arne Veske with Matilda 4 is a reigning European Champion. The hunt for medals will also take place at the Worlds in the Bay of Tallinn.

Sven Nuutmann, the commodore of the yacht club Dago, manager of sponsor relationships of the ORC Worlds - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021
Sven Nuutmann, the commodore of the yacht club Dago, manager of sponsor relationships of the ORC Worlds - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021

The Estonian offshore sailors have been the best ambassadors for introducing Estonia and Estonian yachting in the world, according to Sven Nuutmann, commodore of the yacht club Dago, manager of sponsor relationships of the ORC Worlds and bronze medal winner from the 2019 ORC EC. "The forthcoming regatta will be very exciting and high level. We look forward to good and equal sailing conditions, excellent cooperation between judges and technical officials, but above all the competition, with tight battles between competitors at sea. I hope that medals will become clear, only at the last race of the last day.”

The signing of the cooperation agreement, characteristically to digital Estonia, took place digitally - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021
The signing of the cooperation agreement, characteristically to digital Estonia, took place digitally - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021

The signing of the cooperation agreement with the presenting sponsor of the ORC WC, characteristically to digital Estonia, took place digitally and as a sign of the cooperation agreement, the flag and logo of the Alexela ORC World Championship were presented.

The regatta director Agnes Lill hoisted the flag of the Alexela ORC World Championship 2021 - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021
The regatta director Agnes Lill hoisted the flag of the Alexela ORC World Championship 2021 - photo © Gerli Tooming / Alexela ORC Worlds 2021

The regatta director Agnes Lill hoisted the flag to the top of the flagpole. The speakers at the ceremony, Kalev Vapper, Marti Hääl and and Sven Nuutmann, after the ceremony boarded the yachts to start serious preparation for the WC, in the Wednesday training regatta of the Amserv-Kalev Yacht Club.

The motor sailboat “Admiral Bellingshausen” - photo © Piret Salmistu
The motor sailboat “Admiral Bellingshausen” - photo © Piret Salmistu

Representatives of the media and guests were able to watch sailing and as if granted by special delivery, to enjoy the summer warmth that had reached Estonia, while on board the motor sailboat “Admiral Bellingshausen” in the Bay of Tallinn.

The flags of the Alexela ORC Worlds 2021 and organizers flying over the regatta venue - photo © Piret Salmistu
The flags of the Alexela ORC Worlds 2021 and organizers flying over the regatta venue - photo © Piret Salmistu

The Alexela ORC World Championship 2021 is additionally supported by the City of Tallinn, Sportland, Saku, Alter – B&G, Amserv, Forus, Rotermann City, Pantaenius, Telia, Postimees, Deinhard and OneSails. The organisers of the WC are the Kalev Yacht Club, Pärnu Yacht Club, Tallinn Yacht Club, Estonian Yachting Union and the Tallinn Olympic Sailing Center.

Alexela ORC WC website

Additional information:

Piret Salmistu

Alexela ORC Worlds Information and Media Manager

Kalev Yacht Club

Tel. 507 7217,

Marit Liik Alexela Communications Manager

Tel. 5664 9619, email:

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